Meet Heather
The Thoughtful Gardener
Heather Andrews is a published author, photographer and routinely works with homeowners and businesses to create sustainable native pollinator habitats. During the growing season, you will find her in her pollinator waystation, Cat-a-pillar Haven, documenting her quest to garden thoughtfully via native perennials, and encourage native pollinator waystations to prevent the extinction of the monarch butterfly.
To follow her educational videologs, she can be found on Facebook @thoughtfulgardener or on her new educational channel on youtube, GardenThoughtfully. She is also offering a free 15 minute consultation to our readers to help them with their gardens. You can Private message her on Facebook @thoughtfulgardener or email her at for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Check our Latest Video!!
Natural Gardening Tips with The Thoughtful Gardener